Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Straight out of Bollywood Series

A friend of mine just recently told me that she and her boyfriend of one year have started to plan their wedding. I talked it over with her and she was fine with me outlining the events leading to her engagement and wedding under the condition that I would withhold their real names to keep their privacy.

My friends happen to both be desi, meaning they are of Southeast Asian origin. Both American citizens, they are first generation children trying to find a middle ground between their desi culture and American culture. Let's not forget to mention that they are also two different religions, Catholic and Hindu. Think that's crazy enough? Here's one more to add fuel to the possible stress mix, they are situated in different parts of the country. My girlfriend's in the Northeastern state of Connecticut and her counterpart is in the Midwestern state of Illinois.

Get ready to take part in a voyeuristic fashion as I document the life and times of Liberal Lady and Bhangra Boy!

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